Green Mountain Community Building Tractor Ride
Saturday, September 10, 2022 (8:45 AM - 4:00 PM) (CDT)
This year’s Green Mountain Community Park Tractor Ride will be Saturday, September 10th. Cost of the year’s ride is $35 per tractor. This includes lunch. Cost for an extra rider is $10 to cover cost of the meal. We will be leaving from the Community Park Building at 8:45 A.M. sharp, so please be on time.
With the Iowa laws now allowing UTV’s to drive on Iowa roads we have decided to allow them on our ride. So, if you don’t have a tractor, or would be more comfortable on your UTV feel free to register and enjoy the day with us.
This year our morning route will consist of approximately 31 miles and our afternoon route will be approximately 24 miles. Lunch will be provided at the Park Building. As in the past, the route will be a mix of pavement and gravel with plenty of hills. Thank you for your continued support to our building!!!
We will again draw a name from the list of riders of those entries received on or before September 6, 2022. The winner of the drawing will get a free tractor ride.
$35 per tractor, this includes lunch
$10 per extra rider
Saturday, September 10th