Harvest Huck radio control flyers
9/15/2022 - 9/17/2022
Event is free for spectators and open to the public. Main flying days for September 16 & 17 with night flying those days as well.
What exactly is a Harvest Huck?
We are excited that Marshalltown is hosting the Harvest Huck from September 15-17.
Before you ask what that means, let me explain. This is an annual event the Marshalltown RC Flyers group hosts at their field on 18th Avenue just north of Main Street. More than 100 radio controlled planes and dozens of their operators are expected to be there for the event, which is free for the public to attend as spectators. Flyers will come to Marshalltown from several midwestern states including North Dakota, Missouri, Nebraska and Minnesota.
One of the organizers is Tom Eaton, of Marshalltown, who has been flying for 20 years. He said many flyers have their favorite types of planes to operate.
“I like acrobatics, some like the scale warbirds and some guys even have jet turbines that they fly,” Eaton said. “It’s a neat hobby,”
So I still haven’t answered why they call it a “huck.”
Eaton said the word is taken from the skateboarding term used for doing tricks and there will be plenty of aerial creativity going on.
I took my children to the event last year and they loved watching the planes zoom through the skies and loved the tricks as well.
The people are friendly and the planes are pretty special to view both up close and in the air.
While the event spans three days, the main two days of flying will be Friday, September 16 and Saturday, September 17.
“On those two nights we set up lights and will have night flying too,” Eaton said.
This is an example of the event we love to promote at the Chamber. It brings people to town, helps our economy and also gives our residents an enjoyable activity to take in as spectators.
For more information on this event and more upcoming events in Marshalltown, visit our Community Calendar at www.marshalltown.org/events.
N. 18th Avenue
Marshalltown, IA United States