Job fair

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) (CDT)


We at Marshalltown IowaWorks office are very excited to announce we are holding an in-person Job Fair on June 09, 2021 from 1PM-4PM. We have partnered with Iowa Valley Continuing Education, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Ames Area Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development. It will be held at our IowaWorks Office parking lot, social distancing required and masks encouraged with a rain date scheduled for 06/19/21 from 1-4 PM. We know there is a huge challenge for employers to recruit during this difficult time during the pandemic. We hope this job fair will help!! We will invite over 60 employers. The first 25 job seekers will get a gift bag, several prizes will be drawn during the event, and 2 food truck(s) will be on site. Job seekers will be given an 'Employer Passport" to get signed by 10 employers and schedule one Interview. We ask that employers do not sign the passport to just sign the passport. It will be explained to the job seeker the interaction must show interest, ask questions and be engaged with the employer. The Ames Area of Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development is supplying manpower, water and snacks for employers, gift bags, and $5.00 food truck vouchers for the first 50 job seekers who complete the employer passport requirements. Thank you very much.

Iowa Works parking lot
101 Iowa Avenue West
Marshalltown, IA United States
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) (CDT)
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